"Fashion is life. Dressing up is art for your soul. When you L.O.V.E life, anything you wear looks amazing."
-R 09' NYC
I was on my way into a boutique when I saw this scribbled on the side of the entrance and I thought it was so cool that someone would just write this on a doorframe. NYC was amazing, I was only there for 2 days, and it was burning hot, but I loved it. When we drove over the George Washington bridge, i started freaking out and eventually my little sister had to tell me to shut up. First we went to the Met, and I saw the American woman exhibit. This particular exhibit had been on my list ever since going to NYC was an option. It was short, but really cool. Inside there were rooms designated to different historical era's of fashion. My favorite was the Jazz era, during the 1920's when women were first starting to defy the rules they were given. Dresses took on a boxier shape, with a dropped waist, and hair got shorter, wavier, and more decorative, either with jewels or headbands that had tails of beautiful fabric flowing down the back of the mannequins. The Jazz room was filled with mannequins who were draped in pastel dresses, glittering with brocade and beads. Some dresses had a sheer layer with embellishments over the initial dress,while others were draped in fringe, but either way, these little dresses were beautiful, eye-catching, and truly vintage.
The thing that I loved most about NYC though, was just wandering the streets. That's the case pretty much whenever I travel. It's amazing how much you can learn by just being there, experiencing it. I've had the kind of vacation where you schedule every little detail, and I generally don't end up having good memories of those places. Thankfully, in NYC, we just got up and went wherever we wanted to go. I spent most of my time in SOHO on Broadway street, and occasionally straying off into the side streets, with little boutiques and restaurants.
From the moment I stepped out of the car and into NYC, it seemed like fashion was a driving force. There were people outside of the Met selling pop art prints of Audrey Hepburn (one of which is now hanging in my room,)and I loved watching all of the people, and what they wore. Especially in SOHO, there were jewelry Vendors spilling over the sidewalks, and people were selling huge books on Style and Photography on the streets! I've never seen that in Chicago before. This may be because I was really looking out for fashion, but to me, from seeing inscriptions written on doorways, and the vendors everywhere, the people in NYC seemed to live and breathe it. But at the same time, it isn't only Fashion, its also art. there were huge paintings on display on sidewalks, and it was amazing how people brought the most beautiful things to this gritty city, where there was gum on the streets and taxi's honking, where people breathed air that wasn't exactly clean. But whenever people go to NYC, they look past all of that, they actually embrace it, because beneath all of that, this city has the reputation for fueling dreams. People who come here are ready to do something, start their lives, and this city holds the most inspiration for that, all from the energy that surrounds. So even though NYC may not be the most aesthetically pleasing place ever, compared to somewhere like Florence Italy, and even when My Architect Aunt is saying that the lincoln center is tacky, or when my mom says she hates Times square, I love it. Because I've never been anywhere else with the energy NYC has, the way it seems to have veins pumping underneath the street,and I know, without a doubt, that I'll be back.
One of my sketches from the Jazz room of the Met |
Broadway St. in SOHO |
One of the many vendors I encountered |
A really gorgeous window display that I loved |
An artist's table on a sidewalk |
My TOPSHOP (!!!) fitting room, which is probably bigger than my own bedroom, and just to let you know, they give you free cupcakes right outside and you can purchase your items at your own private cashier. (I bought the floral dress at the right.) It was amazing. |
Quirky stores that practically infested the streets, (in a good way.) |
A ring I bought from a jewelry stand that I intend to keep forever, (or until I lose it. Which is very likely.) |